Monday, November 8, 2010

parts of a plant diagram

In this blog we are going to discuss about parts of a plant diagram along with types of plants-classification.
Here are the two diagrams:

Now see the plants classifications diagram.

Next  blog we will see about parts of a plant cell.
Also one more thing i would like to say to you that English is the most important language of communications.So,every people should know good English but for that one should know proper grammar.So, see the given link Learn English Grammar.There you will get good help on English Grammar.

food web diagram

In this blog we are going to see one simple food web diagram.What is the food web?Food chains in natural conditions never operate as isolated sequences, but are interconnected with each other forming some sort of inter locking pattern.

Above is the diagram of food web.Also see the given link to know about food web definition.
Also one more thing i would like to say to you that see the given link English Conversation Practice and try to practice English conversation very easily.