Thursday, January 6, 2011

online physics tutor

Today we shall discuss about Physics. Physics is termed as fundamental science, it studies the smallest of small particles like atoms and particles that the atom is made of to the vast universe including study of the stars, star clusters, Planets, Galaxy s  to name a few. Many scientists have contributed a lot to physics. It is a study which has captured the interest of man from ages. Man has been fascinated with physics from a very long time, for example the ancient chinese discovered that load stones had properties that attract each other and this phenomenon lead to the discovery of magnets which further lead to discovery of electromagnetism.
                                     Physics is a study of matter many leading scholars and scientists have given their valuable contribution towards Physics. For example the law of gravity was discovered by sir Issac newton. This law has been used for many valuable inventions. The law of gravity has been applied for many scientific research purposes. Students can avail the services of online physics tutor who can help them with their physics studies. They are available anytime and students can get help from any part of the globe by coming online and they can get physics help online. We shall discuss more about this in future. 

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