Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A heterogeneous mixture

In this blog we are going to learn about a heterogeneous mixture .To know more about this concept go for online free chemistry help.

what a 'mixture' is. Very simply a mixture is a combination of two or more elements in no particular ratio. For example Air is a mixture of many gases like carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. Another examples of mixture ,a solution of salt in water, a mixture of sand and salt etc.

The components of the mixture exhibit their own chemical properties in the mixture. Like say in a mixture of salt and sand, graininess of sand and the crystalline nature of salt are retained.
Components of a mixture, easily separated using physical means like filtration.
There is no evolution of energy during the formation of a mixture.
A heterogeneous  is a mixture where each component exhibits of its physical and chemical properties in the mixture. Take a mixture of sulphur powder and dust of iron. We clearly able to see yellow particles of sulphur powder and reddish brown particles of iron dust. Now bringing a magnet near to that mixture , iron dust will attracted to it and sulphur powder will stay there only. Other examples of heterogeneous mixtures is  sand and sugar.
Also to know more science concept see online science help.

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