Today we will discuss about how to simplify fractions. What do you understand by simplify fractions? It means you through and make the fraction as simple as possible. Simplifying fractions is also called reducing fractions. Reducing or simplifying fractions is a method where you divide the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common factor. here is an example for you to understand the concept better:
Simplify `(4y) / 60`
Given , `(4y) / 60`
We need to simplify the given term,
Consider `(4y) / 60` ,
Divided by 4 on both numerator and denominator ,
`(4y)/ 60` = `((4y) / 4) / (60 / 4)`
= `y / 15`
You can also get more help on this by online tutors who are experts in math and can help you in and kinds of fraction problem. The tutors also give you assistance with your math homework. Check the following link for more help math homework helper. We shall discuss more about simplifying fractions in future
You can also get more help on this by online tutors who are experts in math and can help you in and kinds of fraction problem. The tutors also give you assistance with your math homework. Check the following link for more help math homework helper. We shall discuss more about simplifying fractions in future
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