Monday, August 30, 2010

Types of Ecosystem

 In this blog we are going to discuss about types of ecosystem.Ecosystem is a very important topics of Biology.

Ecosystems are the units of biosphere. The components of an ecosystem fall into two categories, biotic or living and abiotic or nonliving.

There are interactions and intra-actions in these components. 
Intra-actions in biotic components are interactions among biotic components. 
The producers, consumers, and decomposers are called biotic components. 
The major interaction among these components is the passing of food materials and energy from one to the other. 

Moreover, the carbon-dioxide released by all consumers is used by plants and all other living forms use the oxygen released by plants
There are other interactions also among biotic components like plants depending on animals for pollination, dispersal of seeds, etc.

Interactions of Biotic and Abiotic Components: -

All living things need water, which they get from the environment. 
Plants use solar energy, which is the ultimate source of energy for all living things. 
Plants use minerals obtained from soil and all living things add organic materials to soil on death and decay. 

Oxygen from plants and carbon-dioxide from animals enter into the atmosphere. 
Thus the list is quite long.  These interactions lead to Bio-geo chemicals cycles. 
There is interaction among abiotic components also. 

Sunlight increases temperature and thus evaporation from water bodies increases. 
This in turn increases the humidity of the atmosphere. 
Accumulation of water vapor will lead to rainfall. 

Thus it is clear that these interactions make ecosystem a self-sustaining one. 
To figure it up factors like solar energy water, wind, temperature, humidity, atmospheric gases, soil factors, living thing etc, interact and create a dynamic equilibrium maintaining the biosphere.
Next time we will discuss more about types of ecosystem and types of food.
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