Monday, August 30, 2010

Types Of resources

In this weblog they are going to larn near types of  resources.
Nature provides us with effectuation that fit our commodity needs. It provides us air to respite, content to eat & nutrient to engulf. These things are nature's gifts to us & are often legendary as fresh resources.Here is the arrangement of types of  resources.
Sorting of Natural resources Resources
Nature has provided lots of resources. Time a abstraction of them can be utilized straight, others expect to be cultured & computerized.
These types of resources can be further classified in to exhaustible, non- exhaustible, potential, developed, agricultural, pastoral, energy, & mineral resources.
Three times exhaustible resources are used, they cannot get replaced. They are present in the earth’s crust. Examples are coal, petroleum, natural gas.
Non- exhaustible resources do not finish even in the event that they are used continuously. They are renewed by natural processes. Examples are solar energy, air & water.
Potential resources are those resources that are not being used in the present but can be used in the future. Examples are rivers, which have the potential to create hydroelectric power. Another example is petroleum, which is available in sedimentary areas & is a feasible resource until it is drilled out.
Developed resources are resources which are being used. Examples are rivers that are being used to create hydroelectric power such as River Sutlej.
Agricultural resources are obtained from agriculture. They provide us with food, clothing & shelter. They also provide raw material to industries.
Examples are cereals, drinks, fibre & commercial crops.
Pastoral resources are obtained from animals. People domesticate animals & rear them to get milk, meat, hides & skins.
Energy resources are used for generating power or energy. Examples are coal, petroleum, natural gas & nuclear fuel.
Mineral resources can be obtained from the earth’s crust by the method of mining. Examples are Iron ore, copper, gold & coal.
So,this is the simple introduction to types of resources.To know more about science concet or to cle ar you confusion on science topics go for online science help.
Next time we will learn more about types of resources along with types of food.

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